Saturday, August 30, 2008

Our first collaborative project!

At long last I have chosen a pattern/project that we can work on collaboratively! I want us to make an afghan for "Warm Up America" (

This project nicely takes into account various levels of knitting expertise. As long as we each keep our squares to the allotted size, we can individualize squares according to ability, time, and our willing to be adventurous!
Here's the website for instructions:

Use up your scraps and such and get knitting:) :)

Miss you guys!!!

Adventures with double pointed needles

I'm currently working on a baby sweater for Finnigan Pomeroy Wall (due 10/1) and it's going pretty well.

The pattern is interesting, it starts at the neck, knits all the way down the sweater, creates a border for the bottom, cardigan area and neck and THEN moves to the sleeves. I'm done with the base of the sweater and sleeve number one - where I had my first go with DPN. It wasn't too hard, the only thing that was difficult at first was that while I was making K stitches, by accident I was doing it in the wrong direction so it ended up looking like P stitches from the outside. So the sleeves will have to have a ridge of P stitches because I didn't know how to take out stitches in DPNs.... its not THAT bad, I'll just have to replicate it on the other sleeve!

In either case, the sweater is adorable and its been a good challenge for me. Especially because I somehow lost the pattern between my OBX trip and now so I'm going to have to do sleeve #2 from memory. Wish me luck!


SO here's our blog! I've added you both as authors so we can all add what we're working on, post photos, do our book chats, etc. I am going to make my first post RIGHT now. Please post yours!!!

Love you both.